Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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Imam Ali on Thinking (Islam, Science and His Teachings)

Imam Ali on thinking within the realms of Islam and science. Uncover the teachings that intertwine these facets, offering a unique perspective on intellect and spirituality. We humans, part of the Homo sapiens species, have an amazing ability called ‘thinking.’ This ability sets us apart and makes us superior to other species on Earth, allowing us to dominate them completely. However, recent research on Apes, Lemurs, and Monkeys indicates that they also possess the ability to think, though to a lesser extent (as mentioned in Carl Sagan’s “The Dragons of Eden”). For instance, Chimps and Apes have been observed using sticks to extract termites from their nests (also mentioned in “The Dragons of Eden”).

This suggests that all Primates, including Lemurs, Apes, Monkeys, and Humans, share this special gift of thinking to some degree. Nevertheless, humans stand out among Primates with our highly developed faculty of thinking.

Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates with mammary glands, giving birth to live young and often covered in fur. Examples include humans, dogs, and whales.

Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates with mammary glands, giving birth to live young and often covered in fur. Examples include humans, dogs, and whales.

Unique Human Thinking Abilities Among Primates

All primates think to meet their basic needs, but humans are unique among primates because we have the ability to think philosophically and mathematically. This kind of thinking is special to humans and not found in other primates. Apes, for example, cannot contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth, and they lack the ability to ask questions like, “Who are we? Why do we exist? What is the reason behind the existence of this universe? Is there a creator?” This difference between humans and other primates is due to variations in the weight and anatomy of our brains (as explained in “The Dragons of Eden”).

All primates, including apes, lemurs, monkeys, and humans, have the heaviest brains in the animal kingdom. Among primates, humans have the heaviest brain because we have a large number of neurons packed into a small space. In terms of brain anatomy, all primates follow the triune brain model.

Imam Ali on Thinking

Understanding the Three Sections of the Brain and the Triune Model:

In the middle of the brain, there are three parts:

  1. R-Complex (Reptilian complex)
  2. Limbic system
  3. Neo-cortex

Humans are different from primates because they have a highly developed neo-cortex. In contrast, other primates have a poorly developed neo-cortex, as mentioned in “The Dragons of Eden.”

Now, let’s talk about the triune model of the brain. The R-complex, also known as the Reptilian complex, is found in reptiles and mammals but not in amphibians and fishes. It is responsible for sex and aggressive behavior. The Limbic system is well developed in mammals, less so in reptiles, and it deals with strong emotions like love, fear, and olfaction. The Neo-cortex is well-developed only in humans and is in a basic stage in other primates. It consists of left and right cerebral hemispheres and is responsible for thinking and balance. The left hemisphere handles mathematical and analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere deals with philosophical thinking and pattern recognition, as mentioned in “The Dragons of Eden.”

The well-developed Neo-cortex is unique to humans, and it brings qualities like mathematical and philosophical thinking. Other primates have a poorly developed neo-cortex; they use their thinking mainly for basic needs like food and material requirements.

A Lesson from the Quran:

If we, as humans, only focus on ways to make a living, we are no different from Apes and Lemurs. To truly be human, we need to think about the creation of the heavens and the earth. Only then do we have the right to be called human beings. This kind of thinking is what makes our Neo-cortex work and develop further.

The Quran encourages this type of reflection, stating that in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the changes between night and day, there are signs for those with understanding. “Those who remember God while standing, sitting, or lying down, and contemplate deeply about the creation, saying, “Our Lord! You have not created this without a purpose. Glory be to You! Grant us salvation from the torments of fire.” (Quran: 3:190/191)

Descartes and the Power of Thought:

In this article, when we talk about “thinking,” we mean reflecting on how heaven, earth, and everything in it came to be. The first western philosopher who thought deeply about this was Rene Descartes.

Descartes and the Power of Thought:

Rene Descartes was born in England in 1650 AD. He was a mathematician and a philosopher who created coordinate geometry and is known as the father of Modern Philosophy, according to Bertrand Russell’s History of Western Philosophy. His famous statement “cogito ergo sum,” which means “I think, therefore I am,” brought a new perspective to exhausted materialistic western philosophy.

Descartes is recognized as the one who discovered “cogito.” His philosophy is commonly referred to as Cogito-I think. The concept of cogito opened up new possibilities in western philosophy, shifting from a realistic approach to an idealistic one. It also resolved the long-standing issue regarding the hierarchy of matter and mind dating back to Plato’s time.

Descartes began with a method called Cartesian doubt, which involves questioning everything until you find certainty. Though it may seem skeptical, it was actually a method with a predetermined outcome. Descartes asserted that everything perceived by the senses can be doubted because the senses can be deceptive. For example, the eyes may deceive by making a straight rod in water appear bent. Therefore, knowledge gained through the senses is not foolproof. Descartes sought something that couldn’t be doubted—a concrete and foolproof method for acquiring knowledge.

Also Watch: How Imam Ali Describes God? (HD Video)

How Imam Ali Describes God? (HD Video)

He questioned whether the world, its people, and even his own body might be deceptions or illusions. Despite these doubts, one thing remained indisputable: his thinking. He concluded, “Cogito ergo sum; I think, therefore I must exist.” Through “Cogito,” Descartes established the superiority of the mind over matter. If the mind, the seat of thinking, serves as proof for the material (his body), it implies that the invisible is superior to the visible.

Descartes firmly established that knowledge gained through thinking is superior to knowledge gained through the senses. Examples like Newton’s laws of motion, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and Planck’s quantum theory demonstrate knowledge gained through thinking, transforming the world. While the senses provide knowledge of the visible world, thinking reveals the hidden knowledge of the laws governing the world. Thus, real knowledge originates from within, not from external sources. Knowledge gained through the senses merely acts as a means to reach true knowledge.

Descartes’ Philosophy: Mind, Body, God, and Cogito Ergo Sum:

Descartes’ philosophy favors the importance of the mind over the body, the soul over the body, and God over the whole universe. Just like our minds exist within us, God exists in the universe. According to Descartes’ famous saying, “Cogito ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), it suggests that there can’t be a body without a mind, and similarly, there can’t be a universe without God. If you want to learn more about Descartes’ philosophy, you can check out Bertrand Russell’s “History of Western Philosophy.

Imam Ali on Thinking ( Comparing Descartes’ Philosophy):

Descartes’ Cogito philosophy is similar to the teachings of Imam Ali (a.s). In one of his sayings of Imam Ali on Thinking in (NahjulBalagha: saying No:281):

Seeing with eyes is not like analysis with vision (muainatul absar),definitely eyes misguide their possessor while intelligence (aql) never put into swoon those who heed to it’s dictates.

In saying No:281 from Nahjul Balagha, Imam Ali (a.s) points out that our senses, especially our eyes, can trick us, so the knowledge we get from them might not always be right. Only those who listen to their intelligence can be guided correctly. Some people who only think about themselves believe their ideas are always right. In such cases, intelligence can lead them in the wrong direction by supporting their opinions. So, for those who want to follow intelligence, it won’t misguide them.

The interesting part here is the phrase ‘analysis with vision.’ Albert Einstein used this kind of thinking to create his theories. For example, his theory of relativity has sentences like ‘imagine you are moving on light’ or ‘imagine a blind beetle moving on a curved surface.’ Visual analysis means thinking through experiments in your mind. This kind of thinking won’t confuse those who listen to their intelligence.

Others Sayings of Imam Ali (a) on Thinking:

Other sayings of Imam Ali on Thinking in Nahjul Balagah are,

“Thinking is a clear mirror.” (Nahjul Balagha:saying-no:4)

Imam Ali (a.s) says that thinking is a flawless tool for gaining genuine knowledge; just as a clear mirror which gives a clear image to the observer. He means to say that the knowledge gained through thinking is credible..

“There is no Knowledge like thinking.” (This saying is a part of the saying 113 of Nahjulbalagha.)

 “There is no honor like knowledge.” (NahjulBalagha-saying-no: 113)

Here Imam Ali (a.s) says that the best knowledge comes from thinking. The big ideas in Physics, explaining how the universe and tiny particles work, all came from brilliant minds thinking deeply. Modern computers and other devices operate based on Planck’s quantum theory, explaining the behavior of tiny particles (microcosm). Meanwhile, the general and special theories of relativity describe how the universe works on a larger scale (macrocosm). Both theories are the result of thoughtful visual analysis.

The most important knowledge comes from thinking, and the highest honor is having knowledge. This means that the greatest honor for a person is to think. If you don’t think, you’re not really being human.


Imam Ali (a.s) talked about similar things as Descartes, but he said them 1,400 years earlier and in a more profound and wonderful manner. Some admire Ali as an exceptional warrior, while others see him as a symbol of excellence in knowledge and action. That’s why The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “I am the city of knowledge and ‘Ali is its gate.” al-Hakim’s Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, vol. 3, pp. 126-7.)

Credit and Appreciation for Insights:

In closing, a big thank you to Zeeshan Haider Moosavi for the insightful preface, and to A.K. Ahmed for acknowledging the author’s work. Let’s continue exploring the fascinating connections between science and the wisdom of Imam Ali (a.s).

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