Imam Ali’s knowledge of animals is evident in his precise descriptions of numerous animals,
detailing their characteristics and qualities. This knowledge later developed into an independent field, with dedicated books such as Kitab al-Hayawan by Al-Jahiz and Hayat al-Hayawan by Al-Damiri, among others.
Imam Ali used this knowledge and others to draw minds closer to faith in Allah through the study of His creations. Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq also used this knowledge to respond to atheists and skeptics.

The Relationship Between Animal Ears and Whether They Give Birth or Lay Eggs
One example of Imam Ali’s knowledge of animals is recorded in Uyun al-Akhbar by Ibn Qutaybah, narrated by Al-Riyashi. Someone asked Imam Ali how one could know if an animal gives birth or lays eggs. Imam Ali replied: “Any creature whose ears are not visible lays eggs, and any creature whose ears are visible gives birth.
” This observation is indeed noteworthy.
Among the animals Imam Ali described are birds, particularly the peacock and the bat, as well as insects, especially the ant and the locust.
Reference: (Uyun al-Akhbar, Ibn Qutaybah, p. 489, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut)

Imam Ali and The Bat
In Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 153, Imam Ali (a.s.) speaks about the wonders of Allah’s creation, with insight into the mysteries of wisdom shown in bats. He describes how these creatures, unlike most, are confined by
daylight, which illuminates everything else, while the darkness, which conceals all else, liberates them. He marvels at how their eyes, weak in brightness, cannot connect directly to the sun’s light to guide them. Instead, their sight and understanding come alive at night, as they navigate their paths without the guidance of sunlight. The radiance of the sun restrains their vision from proceeding in its brightness, sheltering them in their
During the day, bats close their eyelids, using night as a lantern to seek their sustenance, unaffected by its darkness or intensity. As daylight breaks and the sun spreads its glow, they retreat, content with what they’ve gathered during the night’s shadow. Glory be to the One who made the night their day and their source of livelihood, and made the day their time of rest.
Imam Ali also describes how bats have wings made of flesh, which enable them to fly when needed. These wings are like fragments of ears without feathers or hollow bones, yet with veins visibly woven within. The wings are not so thin that they tear, nor so thick that they become heavy, allowing them to carry their young attached to them. The young bat clings to its mother, falling when she lands and rising when she flies, remaining with her until it grows strong enough to fly independently, able to navigate its life and needs.
Truly, glory be to the Creator of all things, without model or precedent.
Imam Ali’s choice of animals to describe and his manner of description are remarkable.
Among the creatures endowed with remarkable qualities is the bat, which Allah has uniquely fashioned with extraordinary traits. It is the only bird that gives birth instead of laying eggs, which is why its ears are visible on its head. Unlike most animals, it rests during the day and seeks its sustenance at night. Due to its limited eyesight, unable to see in daylight or darkness, Allah compensated it with a unique sense associated with its sensitive hearing—what we today call “radar.
When flying at night, the bat emits a sound wave from its throat. This wave travels through the air, hits nearby objects, and reflects back to the bat’s ears, allowing it to sense the direction and distance of obstacles. It
adjusts its flight path to avoid collisions, with this entire process occurring in less than a second. To demonstrate this unique ability, researchers placed several bells hung from strings in a dark room and released a bat. They could hear the bat flying and emitting sounds, but not a single bell rang, indicating the bat avoided every string during its flight in the darkness.
Glory be to the One who spread His marvels among His creations and scattered His blessings across the lands and skies.
The Remarkable Creation of Birds
Imam Ali (a.s.) described birds, including the peacock, with eloquence, explaining some of their habits and
behaviors. In Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 163, he states:
“A wondrous creation, from the animate to the inanimate, from the still to the moving, was brought forth by
Allah, showcasing the subtlety of His craftsmanship and the grandeur of His power. These signs lead minds to
recognize and submit to Him, and His signs resound in our ears as proof of His oneness.
Imam Ali’s words beautifully highlight the intricate nature and variety of birds.
Various Forms of Birds
Imam Ali (a.s.) describes various forms of birds that Allah has settled within the crevices of the earth,
mountain passages, and the peaks of towering mountains. Birds are endowed with diverse wings and differing
forms, subject to divine control. They flutter their wings in the vast expanse of the sky, created after they once
were nothing, each with a wondrously unique appearance. Their bodies are structured with hidden joints and
marvels of construction. Some birds are designed with such bulk that they cannot rise swiftly into the air and
instead move on the ground, flapping both wings and legs. Each bird displays distinct colors, some completely
immersed in a single hue, while others have contrasting colors encircling their primary shade—demonstrating
Allah’s exquisite precision and artistry.
The Peacock
Imam Ali (a.s.) goes on to describe one of the most fascinating birds: the peacock, created in perfect symmetry
and adorned in a beautiful arrangement of colors. Its wings, meticulously structured with evenly arranged
feathers of varying lengths, and its tail, extending with great length, are a sight of beauty. When it approaches
its mate, it spreads its tail, lifting it proudly like a sail shading its head, resembling a merchant ship’s sail
gracefully angled by its sailors. It struts with pride, shifting its tail from side to side, captivating with its colors.
It mates like roosters do, with the intensity of strong male animals during mating season.
Imam Ali (a.s.) refutes the false belief that the peacock reproduces by shedding a tear that its mate consumes,
explaining that such ideas have no solid basis and are merely weak narrations, asserting the importance of
understanding creation based on true observation.
In these descriptions, Imam Ali (a.s.) beautifully captures the wonders and diversity of Allah’s creations.
Continuing on the wonder of the peacock’s creation, Imam Ali (a.s.) remarks on the unique nature of
this bird. Unlike other creatures, there are strange beliefs about how it reproduces, some claiming
that it involves a tear passed between the male and female—a notion that similarly surrounds the
crow, which also conceals its mating rituals. The peacock’s feathers are described as if crafted from
pure silver, adorned with intricate patterns like golden suns and circles, resembling clusters of
precious green gemstones. Its white feathers shine like silver, and the gold-tinted feathers gleam like
pure gold.
The peacock’s appearance is likened to an elegant garment woven from every spring flower,
comparable to ornate Yemeni fabrics or vibrant jewelry with colorful gemstones. As it walks, it
displays its tail and wings, appearing as if it laughs at its own beauty. It looks down at its slender legs,
which contrast with its majestic plumage, producing a cry that reflects its discomfort with its thin legs,
similar to those of mixed-breed roosters. There’s a subtle thorn on its leg, and a green crown marks
the top of its head, while its neck resembles the elegant spout of a pitcher, with a shimmering, dark
hue like polished Yemeni fabric. Its deep colors seem nearly black, yet they shimmer with a green tint,
adding an illusion of depth and richness.
Imam Ali (a.s.) compares the intricacy of its colors and patterns to the delicate lines of a stylized pen,
with colors ranging from white to yellow. Each feather holds its own unique sheen and brilliance,
adorned with a glossiness that shines like satin, making the peacock an astonishing testament to the
creativity and perfection in Allah’s creation.
Imam Ali (a.s.) further elaborates on the magnificent creation of the peacock, comparing its vibrant
feathers to scattered flowers that neither spring rains nor summer suns have nurtured. When it sheds its
feathers, they fall gracefully and regrow in sequence, just like leaves on a tree. Each feather is replaced
exactly where it was, retaining its original color and position, without any alteration. A single feather may
reveal a pinkish-red hue, a deep green reminiscent of emerald, or a golden yellow. Such intricate design
amazes even the sharpest intellects, as no description could capture the complexity and beauty of this
The Ant
Shifting to the smaller creatures, Imam Ali (a.s.) marvels at the tiny ant, as an example of God’s precise
creation. He invites reflection on the delicate composition of such a small being, emphasizing how,
despite its size, it is crafted with an intricate system of senses, bones, and skin. He describes the ant’s
body structure as almost invisible due to its minuteness, yet perfectly functional in every way. This tiny
creature, with its microscopic body and organized faculties, is a testament to the Creator’s power,
leaving human imagination and articulation inadequate to fully grasp or describe its complexity.
Imam Ali (a.s.) continues his description by drawing attention to the ant’s life, a creature so small it almost
evades sight and thought. He observes how it moves across the earth, guided precisely to its sustenance,
and gathers grains for its nest, securing food during warm seasons to prepare for colder ones. Even in
barren land, or on solid stone, the ant’s provisions are guaranteed. Imam Ali (a.s.) remarks on its intricate
internal systems, the pathways for food in its body, its internal structure, and its organs like eyes and ears.
Reflecting on these details, he praises the Creator’s craftsmanship in constructing this tiny being with such
Imam Ali (a.s.) marvels at the wisdom in creation, emphasizing that none besides Allah played a part in
forming it. Even if one were to delve into deep reflection, it would only lead to the realization that the same
Creator, who designed the palm tree with such complexity, also fashioned the ant with meticulous detail,
highlighting the unity in creation.
Scientific Insights
Imam Ali (a.s.) points to a profound truth: the similarity in the creation of animals like the ant and plants like
the palm tree implies a single, unified Creator. Today, we recognize this in the resemblance between animal
and plant cells, with common structures despite their differences in species and function.
The Order Of Creation
Imam Ali (a.s.) further explains that for Allah, there is no difference between creating the vast and the small,
the heavy and the light, or the strong and the weak. His craftsmanship applies equally to all, from the
heavens and the winds to water and stone. Imam Ali (a.s.) directs attention to the sun, the moon, plants,
trees, and other wonders in nature, all reflections of Allah’s power and wisdom in creation.
The Night and Day, Seas, and Mountains
Imam Ali (a.s.) continues, describing the balance of night and day, the bursting forth of oceans, the abundance of
mountains, and the diversity of languages and dialects. He remarks on the marvels of creation that point toward a wise and
intentional Creator. Imam Ali (a.s.) warns against those who deny this meticulous planning, claiming humans are merely like
plants with no planter or designer. He challenges this view, questioning how a structure could exist without a builder, or
how actions could have no origin.
The Grasshopper
Shifting focus to the grasshopper, Imam Ali (a.s.) admires the delicate design: its red eyes, luminous pupils, sensitive ears,
powerful jaws for chewing, and legs curved like sickles for gripping. Farmers dread this small creature because they cannot
easily prevent it from ravaging crops. Despite its small size, its construction is beyond comparison.
The Birds
Imam Ali (a.s.) then speaks about birds, marveling at how each is uniquely created and obedient to Allah’s command. He
notes the meticulous design of each feather and every breath, how their feet adapt to land and water, and how their food is
provided. Each bird, from the crow to the eagle, from the dove to the ostrich, is sustained by divine will, guided and named
by its Creator.
Submission to the Creator:
Imam Ali (a.s.) concludes with praise for Allah, to whom every being in the heavens and earth surrenders, willingly or
unwillingly. Every creature submits to Him with humility, awe, and obedience, recognizing His ultimate authority. This
beautiful balance of nature, with each creature sustained and protected, is a testament to the Creator’s boundless
knowledge and power
The Miracle of the Egg
One of the most compelling responses by Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) to materialists who doubted the
Creator’s power was his description of the egg. He explained how, after being incubated by a hen for a few
days, it miraculously hatches into a living creature. The egg serves as a profound example of creation at its
highest level, producing both animals and humans. Whether hidden within a womb or visible in the form of
a round or oval egg, life emerges through divine will.
In a famous incident, Abu Shakir al-Dayṣānī, a skeptic, questioned Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) about the Creator’s
existence. Imam al-Sadiq asked him to sit and then took an egg from a child present. He said to Abu Shakir,
“This is a protected shell with a thick layer. Beneath this layer is a finer one, within which lies a liquid gold
substance and a liquid silver substance. The two do not mix, nor does anyone know if it will produce a male
or female. Yet, it hatches into a creature with colors as magnificent as a peacock’s. Do you believe this has
no Designer?”
Overwhelmed by this reflection, Abu Shakir bowed his head and declared,
“I bear witness that there is no
god but Allah, without partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. And I bear witness that
you are an Imam and proof of Allah upon His creation.
(Reference: Al-Kafi by Al-Kulayni, Book of Tawhid, Chapter on the Creation of the Universe)
Stages of Human Creation in the Womb
Imam Ali (a.s.) often reminded people of the stages of their creation in their mothers’ wombs—from a drop
of fluid to a fertilized egg, to a blood clot, to a piece of flesh, and finally to a fully formed fetus. This journey
of creation, described through the closest example to humanity—humans themselves—encouraged
contemplation on the Creator’s power. In Sermon 81 of Nahj al-Balagha, he said:
“Or is he not the one who created [man] in the darkness of wombs, under layers of coverings; as a mere
drop, then as a clinging clot, then as a fetus, then as an infant, then as a child, and then as a youth?”
And in Sermon 161, he continued:
“O you who were created perfectly and developed well; you were in the depths of the womb, surrounded
by veils upon veils. You were formed from the essence of clay and placed in a secure abode for an
appointed time and a designated moment. You moved within your mother’s belly as a fetus, hearing no
voice and not responding to calls. Then you were brought out into a world unknown to you and unfamiliar
with its ways. Who guided you to draw sustenance from your mother’s breast? Who made you aware of
your needs and directed you to where they would be fulfilled?”
Opening of the Senses
One of the wonders of God in this process of creation is how the senses are developed within the fetus, as
described by Imam Ali (a.s.) as the opening of hearing and sight. He stated in Sermon 183:
“How He perfected its creation, fine-tuned its structure, opened for it hearing and sight, and formed its
bones and flesh!”
Allah created human beings in a secure, protected place, allowing each stage of growth to unfold precisely
and miraculously
The womb of the mother serves as a protective environment where the fetus undergoes transformations akin
to the stages of animal life, resembling a worm and then a frog, until it achieves its final leap into existence,
forming a fully developed creature in a perfect design.
The development of the fetus begins with a fertilized egg from both parents, which nests in the uterine wall,
feeding off it until it transforms into a blood clot, and subsequently into a piece of flesh that is not yet fully
formed. During this process, the head, trunk, and limbs begin to emerge, with the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears
starting to take shape.
Throughout the first six months of development, the auditory and visual systems remain closed. In the final
stages of divine care, the eyes are covered with a thin layer of skin that soon splits open, revealing beautiful
eyelids. Along the edges of these eyelids, enchanting eyelashes grow, allowing the eyes to open and close at
will. Behind this slit, the entire optical apparatus—the eye—completes its intricate structure, comprising the
lenses (aqueous and vitreous humor), the adjustable opening (pupil), and the sensitive film (retina). When the
eyelids part, light floods into the eyes, forming images and colors within.
Similarly, the ear, which is even more complex than the eye, remains sealed from the outside and intricately
branching within the skull. When the Creator wishes, it opens up into a remarkable auditory system capable of
discerning sounds, melodies, whispers, and speech. Glory be to the One who has established this creation with
the utmost precision and complete order, turning it into a blessing and a lesson for humankind.
Animal Sounds
During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, a group of Jewish scholars approached him with a question
regarding the sounds of animals.
During a discussion, some Jewish scholars posed several questions to Umar ibn al-Khattab, which he could not
answer. Salman al-Farsi then approached Imam Ali and asked him to respond to their inquiries. Among the
questions were:
Imam Ali replied,
- What does the turtle dove say in its cooing?
“It says: ‘The Most Merciful has established Himself on the Throne.
He answered, - What does the rooster say in its crowing?
“It says: ‘Remember Allah, O heedless ones.
Imam Ali said, - What does the horse say in its neighing?
“It calls out when the believers march against the disbelievers in jihad: ‘O Allah, grant victory to
Your believing servants over the disbelievers.
‘” - What does the donkey say in its braying?
Imam Ali replied,
“It curses the devils.
He said, - What does the frog say in its croaking?
“It proclaims: ‘Glory be to my Lord, the One worshipped, who is glorified in the depths of the seas.
Imam Ali said, - What does the crows (al-qanbar) say in its cawing?
“It calls for the curse upon those who harbor enmity toward Muhammad and the family of
Imam Ali stated, - What does the donkey say in its braying?
“It says: ‘May Allah curse those who oppose us.
This exchange highlights the profound connection between the natural world and the divine, illustrating how even the sounds of animals carry spiritual meanings and messages.
- Al-Bayan al-Jali by Ibn Ruwash, edited by Mahdi al-Rajai, page 247, printed in 1415 A