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Imam Al-Sadiq’s theory on the cause of some illnesses

[This part is for clarification and can be cut out: I recently stumbled upon your Instagram page, and I have been extremely impressed with your content. It makes me happy to see fellow Shia sharing treasures from our Imams, and specifically about sciences. I have a very large library of books on our Imams and many of them are science-related. Although, almost all of them are in Arabic, I would like to share what I learned from them and contribute to your project, since I am a native English speaker as well. The following is an example of what I can offer. This is an excerpt from a very precious book named الإمام الصادق (ع) كما عرفه علماء الغرب, Imam Al-Sadeq (as) as known by western scholars, in English. It was originally published in French, since the book itself is a work of research compiled by the University of Strasbourg in France. In short, it contains Imam Al-Sadeq’s thoughts, teachings, and theories about all kinds of sciences such as, natural sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, and even economics. The following is one of the many ideas I learned from the book.]

Imam Al-Sadiq’s theory on the cause of some illnesses

Imam’s theory that diseases emit light, and that they are transmitted through light.

One of the many theories that Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq asserted is the idea that illnesses are transmitted through light (emissions) from the sick to the sound (individual.) The implication of this theory is that there are diseases from which light is emitted, and if the light strikes someone, he becomes ill.

Obviously, contemporary scholars back then and, up until recently, modern scientists thought this was nonesense. Biologists have argued that this theory is a myth, believing that the main factor in disease transmission is the microbe or virus that is transmitted directly or indirectly through insects or polluted water or air. Preceding this theory was that diseases were transmitted through smell, and that smell is what facilitates the passing of illnesses. Still, Imam Al-Sadiq’s theory is far-off from what these scientists thought.

It wasn’t until the 1950s

It wasn’t until the 1950s, when the Soviet Government directed the building of a center for scientific research in Novosibirsk, now one of the largest industrial centers of Siberian Russia1, that it was discovered that certain diseases do emit light, and that this light in itself is able to inflict illness upon a healthy being.

[Summary of study if needed: These scientists took two groups of cells from the same organ (heart, liver, etc.) and performed a segmentation process on them. They injected one group of cells with a flu, and found that photons radiate from the group of cells that were infected.

Then the scientists moved to the second stage of experiments, placing the cells in two cases, one of quartz and the other of glass. It is known that one of the properties of quartz is its resistance to rays, except ultraviolet rays which do penetrate it, while one of the properties of ordinary glass is that can be penetrated by photon rays, except not for ultraviolet rays, so vise versa.

Scientists have discovered that, the cells that were in the quartz case became infected with the disease, while the cells that were in the glass case remained healthy. Since quartz resists all types of rays except ultraviolet rays, and as long as glass resists only ultraviolet rays, it has been verified from this experiment that the diseased cell from which ultraviolet rays are emitted is capable of transmitting the disease to healthy cells through these rays. As for the healthy cells placed in the glass container, they were untouched by ultraviolet rays emitted from infected cells.

The experiments were repeated on different diseases and cells for over a quarter of a century, and the number of experiments conducted reached 5,000.]

On a side note, one of the properties of antibiotics is that they reduce the intensity of these rays, thus paralyzing their ability to transmit infection from diseased cells to healthy cells. This further confirms the theory.

[Not necessary to include in the post: They further found that different diseases emit various rays, including ultraviolet rays, and each disease has its unique type of photon which differs from the rest. Hence, scientists are trying, but are incapable of compiling a scientific table that covers all types of photons and their specific “codes”, since combining such database must take into account the extremely large amount of microbes and viruses and toxins. Nevertheless, they did manage to diagnose many diseases and the photons they emit, such as the influenza microbe. Similar studies were conducted later in the United States and their results were consistent with what was concluded by the soviet research center.

There is no doubt that the results that stemmed from these experiments have opened new doors for scientists in the fields of biology and medicine that involves resorting to one of two methods: Either figuring out a way that prevents ultraviolet rays from transmitting from a diseased cell to a healthy one (like the case for a cancer-infected cell), or by granting the body immunity, in which its sound cells can fight and resist these disease-transmitting rays.]

By the way, for those wondering, as for ultraviolet rays that come from the Sun, they do not cause human beings to get sick unless they reach the human body without passing through air. If there wasn’t an insulating barrier between humans and the sun’s rays, we would’ve obviously perished.


We presented this to demonstrate that modern science has come to confirm the theory called for by Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) in the middle of the second century. This is a theory that was considered a myth far from reality. Modern science has proven that ultraviolet rays emitted from diseased cells cause diseases to be transmitted to healthy cells.

In summary, scientific experiments did confirm Imam Al-Sadiq’s (peace be upon him) theory after 1,250 years.

End of post

p.s I would be happy to elaborate more on any part, trim paragraphs, and obviously share the rest of the many wonderful things I have learned from this book and many other books.

I also couldn’t find a very suitable image so feel free to choose a different one.

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Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. [13:28]