Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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“Everything is in motion: A conversation between Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq and Jabbir Bin Hayyan”

Jabir Bin Hayyan was one of his students, who used to have long discussions with his teacher. One day, in the course of teaching philosophy, Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq (a.s.) said that everything in the universe is in motion. If there was no motion the shape of things would be quite different from what it is today.

Curious, Jabir asked, “Are you certain that every single thing in the universe is in motion?”
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) replied, “Indeed, I am confident of this.”
Jabir inquired further, “Does sound also possess motion?”
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) explained, “Yes, sound does have motion. However, the speed of sound is slower compared to the speed of light. For example, when you witness an ironsmith’s hammer striking an anvil from a distance, you see the event before hearing the sound. This is because light waves travel faster, reaching your eyes first, while the slower sound waves follow.”

Jabir’s curiosity continued, “Could you provide the speed of sound?”
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) replied, “Archimedes, a Greek philosopher, measured the speed of sound. He stated that if a person is 400 zira (each zira being 40 inches) away from a sound source, it would take 8 seconds for them to hear it. The greater the distance, the longer the sound’s arrival time.”

Jaber said, according to the calculations made by Archimedes, whenever God Almighty wanted to speak to one of His prophets, it would take thousands of years because God It is in the seventh heaven and the distance from this world to this world is so great that the human intellect is unable to calculate it.

Jaber said, according to the calculations made by Archimedes, whenever God Almighty wanted to speak to one of His prophets, it would take thousands of years because God It is in the seventh heaven and the distance from this world to this world is so great that the human intellect is unable to calculate it.

Everything is in motion: A conversation between Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq and Jabbir Bin Hayyan
Everything is in motion: A conversation between Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq and Jabbir Bin Hayyan

Is Rest Is Also In Motion?

Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq (a) said:

“Everything that exists is in motion, even the solid substances are also moving. Our eyes might not see their movement, but there is nothing that isn’t in motion.”

The Superman in Islam pg: 298

“This fact was not widely accepted during the time of the Imam, but today it is a reality. Even in the smallest particles, motion is happening, and science confirms this. We all know that every object is made up of matter, and each speck of matter is composed of atoms. Within these atoms, electrons exist and are in motion.”

Scientific Views on: “Everything is in motion”

The world we live in is a dynamic and ever-changing place. From the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies, motion is an inherent characteristic of our universe. The concept that “everything is in motion” has captivated the minds of scientists and thinkers throughout history.

Scientific Views on: “Every thing is in motion”

At the heart of everything are atoms—tiny building blocks that form matter. But did you know that even within these minuscule particles, there’s a ceaseless dance of motion? Quantum mechanics, a field that unravels the behavior of particles at this scale, reveals a world where particles don’t have fixed positions. Instead, they move in probabilities, creating an intricate, ever-shifting tapestry.

Celestial Ballet: The Dance of the Planets:

Venturing beyond the microscopic, we find ourselves among the stars. The planets in our solar system, seemingly serene from our perspective, are engaged in a cosmic ballet. The gravitational pull of the sun and other celestial bodies tugs at them, causing them to orbit in majestic, elliptical paths. This harmonious dance is an embodiment of motion on an astronomical scale.

Einstein’s Eureka: The Theory of Relativity:

Albert Einstein’s revolutionary theories unveiled a new dimension of motion. According to the theory of relativity, motion is not merely about speed but also the fabric of space-time itself. Objects with mass warp this fabric, and the path they follow is dictated by this curvature. From the gentle curve of a ball in flight to the bending of light around massive objects, this theory redefined our understanding of motion in the cosmos.

The Cosmic Symphony: The Expanding Universe:

In the big picture, our universe is also in motion. The universe supposedly started as an endlessly dense point and has been expanding ever since, according to the Big Bang theory, which is largely accepted among scientists. Galaxies are accelerating apart from one another, a sign of the dynamic nature of the universe. In this vast cosmic symphony, every galaxy, every star, and every atom participate.

A Unified Perspective: Bringing It All Together

As we journey through these scientific theories, a unifying thread emerges. From the quantum realm to the vastness of space, motion is a universal constant. The concept that “everything is in motion” transcends scales and dimensions. The intricate dance of particles, the celestial orbits, the curvature of space-time, and the expanding universe—all of these theories converge to reveal a harmonious truth.

Hence Proved: The Unwavering Truth of Motion:

Theories are our windows into comprehending the complexity of reality in the world of science. This investigation has led us to the emphatic conclusion that everything is indeed in motion. This is a fact that connects the smallest atoms to the enormous cosmos; it is not merely a philosophical idea. Our universe is a symphony of motion, a masterpiece of never-ending change that never fails to enthrall and motivate those who are interested in learning more about it.

Continue to the topic:

Jafar Sadiq said that what has been said that God Almighty is in the seventh heaven has been said so that common people can understand the greatness of God Almighty. Otherwise, God is present everywhere, there is no place where God is not. Therefore, in every era, whenever God Almighty wanted to address any of His Messengers, He would be so close to him that the voice of God Almighty would be heard by His Messenger.

But even if God Almighty was in the seventh heaven, His voice would have reached His Messengers in a moment, because God Almighty’s voice is not like that of humans and other creatures, which takes time to be heard and it covers a distance. Yes, rather, what God said here, it has become one. And this universe has come into existence in the same way. God Almighty can send His voice from the farthest place of the universe to His Prophet in a moment.

Imam’s Knowledge:

Isn’t it amazing that what Imam Jaffar taught us long ago are now the rules and ideas of science? Even though back then there wasn’t much advanced technology, Imam’s teachings still give us a special feeling. That’s we have the believe that AHLEBAIT have the knowledge of everything!


The contents cited above, including information, articles, and quotations, have been extracted from the book “The Superman in Islam.” These materials have been meticulously organized and thoroughly elucidated by Imam And Science developer team.

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