Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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Dua To Increase Memory And Focus

Memory is like your brain’s storage system. It’s what allows you to remember things, such as where you put your toys, what you learned in school, or the names of your friends. Essentially, it’s like a mental scrapbook that keeps track of all the things you’ve experienced and learned over time.

On the other hand, focus is like a spotlight for your brain. When you focus on something, it means you’re paying close attention to it without getting distracted. For example, when you’re playing with your toys and you’re so into it that you don’t notice anything else around you, that’s focus. It helps you concentrate on activities like doing homework, playing games, or listening to a story without your mind wandering off. In a nutshell, memory helps you remember, while focus helps you pay attention to what you’re doing in the present moment. Together, they play a crucial role in learning new things, enjoying activities, and making sense of the world around you.

There are several Du’as recommended for enhancing memory, focus and knowledge such as:

⚫ Repeating Salawaat, as mentioned in various Hadiths.

اللّهُمّ صَلّ عَلَى مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ

allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Translation: O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad

According to a Hadith from Imam Ridha’ (a.s.) Salawat is equal to Tasbih, Tahlil and Takbir.

“Whoever remembers God will receive 10 rewards, and whoever remembers the Prophet will receive 10 rewards, for Allah has joined His Messenger to Himself.”

⚫ Repeating (LA HAWAL WALA QOWWAT ELLA BILLAH), as narrated from Imam Musa AL-Kadhim (AS).

⚫ Reciting the following Du’a after obligatory prayers:

سبحان ٬من لا يعتدي على أهل مملكته 

سبحان ٬من لا يأخذ أهل الأرض بألوان العذاب

سبحان الرؤوف الرحيم 

اللهم اجعل لى في قلبي نورا وبصرا وفهما وعلما

إنك على كل شيء قدير 



Glory be to the One who does not wrong the people of His Kingdom.

Glory be to the One who does not seize the people of the earth with various forms of punishment.

Glory to the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

O Allah, place in my heart light, vision, understanding, and knowledge. You are indeed capable of everything.

⚫ If you want a short Du’a for better memory, you can recite: ALLAHUMA EJ’AL LI FI QALBI NOORAN WA BASARAN WA FAHMAN WA ‘ELMA INNAKA ‘ALANKULLI SHAY’IN QADEER.

⚫ Here is the another one:

اللهم اخرجني من ظلمات الوهم و اكرمني بنور الفهم اللهم افتح علينا ابواب رحمتك و انشر علينا خزائن علومك برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين

Translation: Oh Allah, bring me out of the darkness of misunderstanding and honor me with the light of understanding. Oh Allah, open for us the gates of your mercy, and unfold for us the treasuries of your knowledge; by your mercy O the Kindest of all.

Easy Ways to increase Memory and Focus:

Get Moving – Exercise Your Brain and Body:

Let’s start with something fun – exercise! Moving your body not only keeps you physically fit but also does wonders for your brain. Take a walk, dance, or play a sport. When you’re active, your brain releases chemicals that help with memory and focus. It’s like a double win for your body and mind!

Eat Smart – Fuel Your Brain:

Just like a car needs the right fuel, your brain does too. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Fish, nuts, fruits, and veggies are brain-friendly choices. And hey, don’t forget water! Hydration is like a cool drink for your brain cells

Sleep – The Brain’s Recharge Time:

Imagine your brain as a superhero, and sleep is its secret lair. When you sleep, your brain processes and stores information from the day. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep. It’s like giving your brain the power it needs for the next day’s adventures.

Break It Down – Manage Your Time:

Big tasks can be overwhelming, right? Break them into smaller, manageable parts. This helps your brain focus better and prevents that feeling of being buried in work. It’s like turning a mountain into small, conquerable hills.

Play Mind Games – Fun and Brainy:

Who said learning can’t be fun? Engage in mind games and puzzles. Sudoku, crosswords, and brain teasers are like gym workouts for your brain. They challenge your thinking and improve memory.

Practice Mindfulness – Be Present:

Ever tried mindfulness or meditation? It’s like a mini-vacation for your brain. Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly, breathe, and let go of stress. This helps improve focus and concentration. Learning doesn’t stop after school or college. Read books, explore new hobbies, or take up a course. Every new thing you learn is like a treasure for your brain. It stays sharper when it’s constantly fed with knowledge.


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