Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism (Quranic Teachings)

Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism!!! First, let’s get that Darwin’s theory isn’t just about humans coming from chimps. It’s a big and detailed concept. Some people, including those who comment on our Instagram posts, think it goes against the idea of God. But here’s the thing: the theory isn’t saying there’s no God. It’s more about the idea of things changing over time. In this blog, we talk about it in detail, connecting it with teachings from the Quran and Imam Ali. It’s interesting! I suggest checking out the previous blog on “Darwinism and its Criticism” to really understand what Darwin’s theory is all about.

Read that blog here: Darwin theory of evolution (The Biggest Criticism)

Let’s start with the saying of Imam Ali (a),

“The survivors of sword (battles) live longer and have large progeny.” -Imam Ali (a) Nahjulbalagha: saying: 84

Picture of Darwin as a young man and as an older individual. Darwin was a Christian and had faith in God. If he had chosen to use the term 'God' rather than 'nature,' his theory might have been seen as theology, the study of religion. His efforts were scientific, involving the collection of data. Instead of using the term "God," he opted for "nature."
Picture of Darwin as a young man and as an older individual. Darwin was a Christian and had faith in God. If he had chosen to use the term ‘God’ rather than ‘nature,’ his theory might have been seen as theology, the study of religion. His efforts were scientific, involving the collection of data. Instead of using the term “God,” he opted for “nature.”

Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Science:

Religious leaders in Islam and Christianity didn’t like the idea of “Darwinism” or “The Evolutionary Theory” because they thought it challenged the existence of God. They might have been more okay with it if Darwin used the word ‘God’ instead of ‘Nature.’

Here’s the main problem: People who believe in God usually prefer the idea that God made all living things in one go. It’s hard for them to accept the idea that God slowly shaped everything through selection and changes in the weather. So, why would God choose evolution to make everything?

But here’s the thing: God creating through evolution makes sense, following the law of “cause and effect.” God doesn’t break his own rule, and even miracles by prophets can partly be explained by this idea.

For example, one scientist explained Prophet Noah’s big flood as caused by a passing comet’s gravity. One of God’s names is “The Subtle-Lateef (in Arabic),” showing an appreciation for details and complexity. So, what makes more sense: God creating the universe instantly like magic, or God creating through environmental changes, survival struggles, and small positive changes over time, like Darwinism or the evolutionary theory? Charles Dawkins showed that even tiny particles like electrons and protons follow Darwin’s idea. So, the theory of evolution isn’t just about living things but applies to the whole universe.

Understanding God’s Selection:

In his book “The Origin of Species,” Darwin didn’t try to prove that humans came from apes. He just suggested that it might be possible (though in this discussion, we argue against this idea). Darwin wanted to explain something he called ‘connecting links.’ These links aren’t only for living things but also for things that aren’t alive, like the tiny ‘electron’ that connects energy and matter, or liquids that connect gases and solids.

The Holy Quran says:

“God chose Adam, Noah, and the families of Ibrahim and Imran above all people.” (Surah-3; verse-33)

“O children of Israel! Remember the special treatment I gave you, choosing you over other people.” (Surah-2; verse-47)

These verses hint at the idea of natural selection. God does have favorites, but it’s fair because He only picks those who are good enough. So, it’s in God’s nature to do natural selection by creating tough situations and choosing only those who can handle it.

A Critique of Dr. Haroon Yahya’s Approach:

Dr. Haroon Yahya, a famous Islamic scientist and scholar, wrote a book called ‘Darwinism Refuted’ where he tried to argue against the theory of evolution. But, the book was a bit disappointing because he didn’t use any verses from The Holy Quran or mention any Hadith (Traditions) that go against Darwinism. Instead, he mainly talked about problems with the fossil record.

To show that something goes against Islam, you usually need to bring up verses from the Quran or mention Hadiths that disagree with that idea. It’s not quite right to say Islam is against something without referring to these sources, especially from a good scholar like Haroon Yahya.

Interestingly, if you look for evidence against Darwinism in Islamic sources, you might actually find support for it. The concepts of Darwin’s theory of evolution, like climatic change, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest, and connecting links, can be found in the Quran, Hadith, and the teachings of Imam Ali in Nahjul Balagha.

Main Concepts of the Darwin’s Theory:

The Darwin’s theory of evolution is based on the following concepts,

1. Climatic change

2. Struggle for existence

3. Survival of the fittest

4. Connecting link

1. Climatic change:

Malthus proposed that as the population increases, natural disasters also increase to control the population, allowing only the fortunate and the fittest to survive. Darwin’s theory of evolution can be seen as an extension of Malthus’s ideas.

Malthus theory.

Darwin was influenced by Malthus’s theory, which suggests that as the population grows, natural disasters increase to regulate population growth. Every living organism has the potential to overbreed significantly. For instance, a single bacterium can produce 70 generations in just 20 minutes. If all the bacteria survive, the earth would be covered in a month. Even though elephants breed slowly, if all their offspring survive, there would be elephants everywhere in just 25 years. To prevent this, nature (or God) introduces climatic changes.

According to the Quran, “We do not change the circumstances unless you change from within.”

This means that God places people in challenging situations, hoping they will adapt and change to suit harsh conditions. Once adapted, unfavorable conditions transform into favorable ones. God, it seems, favors change. First, he alters external conditions, and then he changes individuals.

Imam Ali says,

“Through the change of circumstances, the mettle of men is known.”

The statements from the Quran and Nahjulbalagha align with Malthus’s theory and the idea of climatic change.

the concept Darwinism

2. Struggle for existence:

Changes in climate lead to a struggle for survival. To cope with the changing conditions, species or organisms need to adapt or develop positive changes (changes that help them deal with tough situations). In today’s world, where there is overpopulation and environmental damage, only those who have developed a strong spirit capable of controlling the body and adapting to worsening climate conditions will survive.

The Quran states, “Every soul shall get only that for which it struggles.”

3. Survival of the fittest:

Nature selects only those organisms that are fit to endure harsh conditions. The concept of climatic change, the struggle for survival, and survival of the fittest is reflected in the saying of Imam Ali (a.s),

“The survivors of the sword (battlefield) live longer and have a large progeny.” (Nahjulbalagha saying: 84)

Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism
-an image from our instagram account.

The battlefield is a place of struggle where only the fittest survive. Those who survive in battle live longer because they have undergone positive changes during their struggle. They have a large progeny because nature (or God) wants these positive changes to continue.

The Quran says, “When the mercy of God descends, the valleys flow according to their measures, and only that stays which is of use to mankind.”

According to the Quran, God always wants those people or organisms to survive and grow that are useful for creation. Through the continuous accumulation of these positive changes, new organisms emerge or, in evolutionary terms, “originate.” These new organisms multiply significantly due to their acquired characteristics that match the demands of the changing environment. The process continues. Regarding such a scenario, the Quran says,

“See they not how Allah originates the creation and repeats it.” (Surah-29; verse-19)

“Say: Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated the creation, and then Allah will bring forth the creation of the hereafter. Verily, Allah is able to do all things.” (Surah-29 v-20)

God encourages us to explore the earth, similar to Darwin, and unravel the puzzle of “The Origin of Species.”

In the process of species coming to be through evolution, there are animals with qualities from two different groups, and we call them connecting links. Many of these links formed during evolution are in the fossil record. Viruses act as the link between things that aren’t alive and living beings. Photosynthetic microorganisms are the link between bacteria and plants. Parasitic bacteria connect bacteria and animals. Lung fishes connect fishes and amphibians. Salamanders are the link between amphibians and reptiles. Dinosaurs connect reptiles and birds. The Duck-Billed Platypus is the link between birds and mammals. There are many more examples.

The Quran talks about connecting links, saying, “We made you (The Prophet’s family-The Infallible) a middle nation (Wasat {connecting link), that you be a witness over mankind and the Messenger be a witness over you.” (Surah Baqra: 142-143) ‘Ummat-e-Wasat’ in Arabic means a middle nation, a connecting link. The holy prophet and his family are the link between God and humans.

They help people connect with God, helping them establish a relationship with Him. This means that all prophets and great saints can be seen as connecting links between God and humans. Imam Ali puts it this way: “Do not call us God because we are his creation and, hence, below him. And do not call us simply humans because we are above humans.”


The theory of evolution suggests that life began in the oceans, and modern science supports this idea with evidence of life originating in the sea. The Quran also mentions the origin of life, stating, “We made from water every living thing” (Surah 21:30) and “Allah created every animal from water” (Surah 24:25).

Life’s basic components include amino acids, DNA (genes), and RNA. DNA is like an information storage for organisms, containing details about amino acid sequences in proteins. RNA reads this information and assembles amino acids into sequences, creating proteins. According to the latest life theory, RNA was the first ingredient formed in the sea, playing a dual role in storing information (like DNA) and sequencing amino acids in primitive organisms. The most primitive life forms, like the AIDS virus, were made of only protein and RNA.

Imam Ali on How God Made Things. (HD Video)
Imam Ali on How God Made Things. (HD Video)

As life became more complex, DNA became necessary, similar to how we progressed from storing information in books to using computers, CDs, and pen drives. Viruses, like retro-viruses with RNA as genetic material, hold the key to life’s secrets, and ongoing research focuses on them.

From viruses, life evolved into bacteria, then the first microscopic plants (photosynthetic green bacteria) and animals (parasitic bacteria). Green bacteria transitioned to the plant kingdom, and parasitic bacteria evolved into the animal kingdom, first in the ocean and then on land. This common ancestry is depicted in the phylogenetic tree of evolution found in zoology departments. At the tip of the animal branch, humans are placed, marking the end of this great journey.

The Quran also mentions, “Then Allah has brought you forth from the earth like a tree (nabath)” (Surah-71:17). Could this reference the phylogenetic tree of life?

Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism:

It’s possible that life started in the sea, and things evolved until apes or monkeys. Then, God sent Adam to Earth as a king, even though Adam was created in heaven before evolution began. Talking about how God made Adam, Imam Ali says:

“Allah collected from hard, soft, sweet, and sour, clay, which he dipped in water till it got pure, and kneaded it with moisture till it became gluey. From it, he carved an image with curves, joints, limbs, and segments. He solidified it (the soul less body of Adam (as)) and dried it and kept it just like that for a fixed time and known duration.”
Nahjulbalagha: Sermon.1, page 48

Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism:
Imam Ali and the concept Darwinism:

Now, why did God wait before putting the spirit in Adam? Why not do it right away? Maybe God was waiting for evolution to finish (until apes or monkeys were formed, which are the last stage in evolution). Then, God sent Adam, who was the chief of everything on Earth. It’s like making a fancy palace and waiting for the king, Adam, to come and claim it. The Earth, with all its living beings, was like a well-decorated palace waiting for its king, Adam, to arrive.

Quran says,

“We are going to send a ‘Caliph’ (Adam) on earth.”

Imam Ali (a.s.) says:

“When he (God) has spread out the earth and enforced his command, he chose Adam as the best of his creation and made him the first of all creation.” -Nahjulbalagha: Sermon-89, page 174

So, Adam was created before evolution started on Earth. That’s why God didn’t put his spirit in him right away. Only after evolution finished, God put the spirit in Adam and sent him from heaven to Earth to take charge of the less intelligent. Complete intelligence can’t come from evolution; it has to be made. And that’s Adam, ‘The best of creation’ (ashraf-ul-maqlooqat).”

Thankyou for reading!

We appreciate you taking the time to read our blog. We hope you found it enjoyable and gained valuable insights. Feel free to share it with your friends, family, and anyone interested. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Connect with us on our Instagram page @imam.and.science for more intriguing content.

Acknowledgment and Credits:

All the content in this blog is inspired by the wisdom of God and the principles of science. Authors: Syed Hasan Raza Jafri. Foreword by: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. Rewritten and rephrased by the ImamandScience Blog Writing Team. We want to give full credit to © Copyright 2018 Syed Hasan Raza Jafri for the original content. If you have any concerns about copyright issues, feel free to contact us. Your feedback is valuable to us!


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