Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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Consider These 4 Tips Before Booking Umrah Package

Umrah is a sacred pilgrimage that holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. It is a dream of Muslims all over the world to perform it at least once in their lifetime. Umrah is a chance for pilgrims to reconnect with their spirituality, renew their faith in Allah, and revitalize their souls. This is why Makkah and Medina are full of pilgrims throughout the year.

To make this journey easy for the pilgrims, travel agencies in the UK tend to offer specialized Umrah deals, like April Umrah Packages or Easter Umrah deals. These packages include all the necessary services for the pilgrims to ensure they perform ritual worship without having to worry about anything else.

Muslims can opt to perform Umrah privately, but that has its headaches on top of being more expensive than Umrah deals. But that doesn’t mean pilgrims can blindly book a package just because it is cheap. This article will detail some important tips that will help pilgrims choose the best possible Umrah deal.

Practical Tips for Booking April Umrah Packages

Many travel agencies in the UK offer Umrah deals; each has its pros and cons. Some are more expensive than others, while others offer better services for the same price. It can get a bit confusing, and here are four tips that will help pilgrims book the best Umrah package:

Do a Thorough Research

As stated, many travel agencies offer Umrah deals, and each package has its perks. Since there are multiple options, take advantage of them. Don’t settle for the first package you come across just because it is affordable. Compare packages from different agencies; some offer better services for the same price, while others offer similar services for a better price.

One thing to consider when comparing prices is that you shouldn’t just choose a package because it’s cheap. Often, these cost-saving deals compromise the pilgrimage. It might feel counter-intuitive, but pay a little extra to ensure that your Umrah isn’t compromised, and focus on your prayers instead of tending to other issues.

Furthermore, book the Umrah package with a reputable agency. They have experienced staff that is familiar with all the ins and outs of business. Also, make sure the agency is certified by ATOL and IATA and recognized by relevant authorities. Ask for recommendations from other pilgrims who have previously travelled with them. All this information will help pilgrims make an informed decision.

Group vs Solo Umrah Package

Pilgrims have the option to perform Umrah in a group or alone. There are benefits if you opt for a group package that solo deals don’t provide. To start, the group deal is cheaper than a solo package. The entire cost of the pilgrimage is divided among all the group members, which lowers the amount for individual pilgrims. Also, in group deals, the agency can negotiate better deals with hotels and transport companies that further reduce the cost.

Also, the entire pilgrimage is organized and planned by the agency, and nothing is left to chance. It is ideal for pilgrims who are performing Umrah for the first time. In case of an emergency, the pilgrims can get support from other group members instead of dealing with it on their own. There is a sense of community when performing Umrah with like-minded people.

Ensure There are no Hidden Costs

Ask for a cost breakdown for the entire journey. Make sure there are no hidden costs that pilgrims might have to pay for services that should be covered in the price of the package. Understand cancellation and payment policies for emergencies. A reputable travel agency will provide pilgrims with a complete cost breakdown and will charge for everything upfront.

Special Requests

Often, pilgrims or their partners have special needs and may require special arrangements. Make sure to request such accommodations before booking the Umrah deal and negotiate its inclusions without paying extra. This is to ensure pilgrims don’t face any problems once they are in Makkah.


The Umrah package is the best way to perform the sacred pilgrimage. It is priced reasonably, the agency plans everything for the pilgrims, and there is a sense of calm when performing Umrah. These tips ensure that pilgrims book the best possible Umrah deal without compromising the experience. Muslims Holy Travel is an experienced travel agency that offers Umrah deals at a reasonable price. Visit our website and get a quote for your Umrah package.

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