Hope you’re having a great day! Here’s today’s Quranic verse for you:

“My mercy encompasses all things” [Quran 7:156]

When all hope seems lost, when injustice and evil prevails, remember this beautiful verse on Allah’s Mercy. Allah is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, and he Sees things we might not be able to see with our naked eyes and limited use of intellectual faculty. In other words, we might not know the wisdom or hikmah behind all the things that have happened to us, so this verse will reassure us that whatever happens is the Divine Decree of Allah the Most Merciful.

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Final Result

 Quiz Participants and Scores

– Bareeha: Bareeha1803@gmail.com (80.28 %) WINNER

– syeda_samanah_rizvi: samanahrizvi12@gmail.com (75.52%)

– fatemamoledina23: fatemamoledina003@gmail.com (66.52%)

– Esha Amir: eshaamirgondal58@gmail.com (56.47%)

– Tangledbean_: tehreemh801@gmail.com (56.47%)

– haniazehranaqvi: naqvihaniazehra@gmail.com (56.47%)

– Hammadmuntazir: hammadmuntazir58@gmail.com (56.47%)

– Faizan Abbas Jaffri: faizan479@gmail.com (47.52%)

– sundaszahra14: sundaszehra72@gmail.com (47.52%)

– Midhat Zehra: midhatzehra89833@gmail.com (37.4%)

– Mehwish Murtaza Bhutto: Wish.mrtxa@gmail.com (37.4%)

– Magnanimous_mehek: syedkainathfathima@gmail.com (33.47%)

Congratulations, Bareeha, on winning the quiz! 🎉 Your approach to the quiz and your accuracy in marking the correct answers are highly commendable! May Allah bless you with unlimited success.

To all the other participants, you all also performed very well! As we’ve emphasized since the first round, it’s not just about the winner, but about the challenge, fun, and learning experience. We hope you all enjoyed it and gained valuable insights. Best of luck for the upcoming quizzes in the future! May Allah bless you all.

Quiz Duration: 960 Seconds

Times Up!!!!!

Created on By Imam And Science

Final/Last Round


Enter your correct name/username and email that you wrote in the previous quiz! Note: Writing the name or email incorrectly will result in elimination. Please ensure that you do not misspell even a single letter.

How many sides does a circle have?

Which Imam is given the title of "Amoud al-Sharaf" (the pole of honour and the epitome of pride and glory for all Muslims)?

Who was arbitrator from the side of Haq (i.e from the army of Imam Ali)?

An arbitrator is like a referee or judge who helps resolve conflicts between two parties by listening to both sides and making a decision that both parties agree to follow.

The old man's son is my son's uncle. What is the old man to me?

In which surah of the holy Quran Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala) mentions to seek means of recourse to him(waseela) and about the incident of Imam Ali(a) giving zakat while bowing down?

Which planet in our solar system is known as the "Red Planet"?

Q: Seen through a mirror , the arm of a clock show 9:30 what is the actual time.

Hint: When you look at a clock through a mirror, it appears flipped horizontally. (Translation: Jab aap aik clock ko aik sheeshay ke zariye dekhte hain, toh woh horizontal tor par ulta nazar aata hai.)

In which surah there is the ayah on the event of "Al-Mubahala"?

Which is the largest internal organ of the body?

How many colors in the flag of Palestine are?

You commonly see "HTTP" in the links of web pages. What does "HTTP" stand for?

Which river is the longest in the world?

Surah An-Nahl is named after which insect?

What's next in this series: E, J, Q, ?

Can an object be in free fall if it is moving horizontally? Explain in one line fastly!

On what occasion The incident of Tahkim (Arbitration) took place?

In which battle Zulfikar was sent down?

When Almighty Allah will intend to bring forth Qayamat, He will order Israfeel to blow the trumpet (Soor).  Israfeel will go to the___________and while facing the Qibla will blow the trumpet.

Your score is

The average score is 49%


Wajhullah means face of Allah here “everything will be perished except the face of allah” is referring to the self of allah, his deen(religion) and Prophet(s) and Ameer al-momineen(a). Even Guiding imams(a) are face of Allah.

Jambhullah means the Side of Allah which is used as metaphor for Prophet(s) and our Guiding imams(a)

Lisanullah means tongue of Allah which is used as metaphor for Prophet(s) and his progeny(a) who used to convey the  messages of Allah.