Table of Content:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem! ‘All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful, Master of the Day of Retribution. There is a saying of Imam Ali that “O you who carry knowledge around with you; are you only carrying it around with you ? For surely knowledge belongs to who ever knows and then acts accordingly, so that his action corresponds to his knowledge. There will be a people who will carry knowledge around with them, but it will not pass beyond their shoulders. Their inner most thoughts will contradict what they display in public, and their actions will contradict what they know.”
Imam al-Sadiq (as) was a symbol of creativity and intelligence from an early age. No one of the same age could ever keep up with him throughout history. This fact raised much astonishment and admiration. An admirable instance was his attendance at his father’s lectures while he was an infant, not exceeding three years old. He absorbed all his father’s lectures better than the rest of the students, who were high-ranking scholars.
It is worth knowing that his father’s lectures were not only dedicated to jurisprudence, traditions, and interpretation of the Holy Quran, but also included other fields of knowledge such as philosophy, medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and more. Imam al-Sadiq (as) was familiar with these sciences.
We have a vast collection of teachings from Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq. These teachings have significantly influenced modern scientists and are taught in our schools, universities, and other institutions. The main mission of writing this book is to preserve these teachings and spread them all over the world.
Our goal is to compile every teaching of the Imam related to his era and science. We have gathered all the resources and compiled them in a single place so that everyone can read them.
In addition to compiling all the teachings, we also provide insights on what modern science says about them.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A.S.) had challenged the theories of Ptolemy and Aristotle while studying in the academy of his father, Imam Mohammed al-Baqar (A.S.), who passed away in A.H. 114, during the Umayyad rule. During that period, no scientific, mathematical, or philosophical books were received or translated. Continue Reading…